Job-Related Hernias: Can You Claim Worker's Compensation?
There is a litany of health problems that you can claim worker's compensation for, so long as the injury or health concern was acquired at work or from the substances with which you have contact while you are working. This includes job-related hernias, which are entirely possible for both men and women. If your employer refuses to reduce your workload, remove you from the duties that caused your hernia and/or pay you worker's compensation, you need worker's compensation lawyers.
4 Tips For Getting Through A Car Accident Without Any Bad Consequences
If you have been involved in a car accident, there are many things you should do right away. By doing these few things, you can be sure that things won't be held against you in court, and you will have a better understanding of the details of the accident to ensure that you know what you need to tell your auto accident lawyer. Here are four tips for helping you get through the very beginning of a car accident without any bad consequences:
What Is The Difference Between Loss Of Wages And Loss Of Potential Income In Personal Injury Law?
If it is has been months since your car accident and you are still dealing with the aftermath, you are not alone. Car accidents can leave lifelong injuries, which can be devastating for families. If someone crashed into you and you were left with permanent injuries, you can sue the other driver for monetary compensation. Among the things you can ask you, loss of wages and loss of potential income are two common ones.
The VA Injury Service-Connection Confusion Unraveled
If you've received a denial or request for information from the Department of Veterans Affairs (the VA), a sometimes confusing and often frustrating process has already begun. Whatever you gave the VA wasn't enough for an approval, and you need to either file and appeal or deliver the information that they want. Unfortunately, some of the denial language can be vague at best, but by understanding a few traits of the claim system, you can work closer to claim success.
The Limitations on Discharges for Business Debts
As a small business owner filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, there are some debts that you can expect to have discharged by the court when your filing is complete. However, not all debts will be discharged. Before filing, you should be clear on which of your debts you can expect to clear and which ones will remain. Which Debts Are Discharged? A Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing only clears those business debts which you are personally liable for.